Patty Carroll – Anonymous Women




Comments from ‘Anonymous – The TRUTH about WW3’

 Robert Murch
I am not positive but I am pretty sure this channel and its owner have nothing to do with Anonymous the cracking team…
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MindFiction TV

Anonymous isn’t a team lol! It’s an idea.. everyone who wants to be part of anonymous can! it’s up to you if you want to make a change in the world we live in. Anonymous is nobody and everyone at the same time 😉
Robert Murch

Bull shit the cracking syndicate known as Anonymous is responsible for multiple high level foreign intelligence security breaches.
Robert Murch

+H2Oslugslinger Yeah you tell that to the judge next time your caught trying to figure out which panties that girl your spying on is wearing…
Team massiv Promotion

Robert murch… Of course it’s anonymous…if it wasn’t don’t you think anonymous would come out with a video saying it wasn’t…or maybe hack the user by now??? Lol you just put a conspiracy on top of another conspiracy…you what it is, you may not realize it yet but your starting to realize that anonymous is just a opinionated group…and oh they don’t like America if you haven’t noticed yet
Robert Murch

Actually I am pretty sure they wouldn’t give a shit because they have more important things to worry about. Have you ever wondered why these videos are complete shit? Like none of the shit they talk about is real its all just conspiracy theory’s and nonsense claims.
Aden Whall

Actually they are very far from conspiracy, u are asleep wake up look aroud

I would bet my bottom oil dollar on that! Also there is NO references or source index to check where that “purple pixel” got his information from.
MAXK Shakur

Conspiracy theories is one of the most important things if you wanna change the world… Plus, Anonymous is an idea. If you see the world in their views and demonstrate it in their name, you are just as much Anon as the people you see on TV…
timmy changa

if this wasn’t anonymous they wouldn’t let this channel speak for them and they would let you know it’s not them because they will not allow corruption or lies to run in their name obviously..
U Tewb

they would have shut this channel down if they didnt want it posting for them
sarah wehrmann

they found information Information, not for \Normal Humans like U and Me \ “Whats Now ” “Hold it, conceal it, make money out of it” that would be wrong, its not in our responsibility look whats in the information, what they did to every single one of us “if we show it everybody we will get real problems I am scared ” Thats possible but if we don´t try who will do it wear this mask of technick you are a human like millions unbelievebale small but big enough four kicking of something really big something good ,hopefully with this mask u can speak free as anon and they will hear you and they will come those who wont to stop you and beat you also those who hear youre message but the most are deaf and blind it must be depressing so see so many Humans able to see hear and think but don´t understand a idea a mask we all are the same but behind a mask we look the same thats make a difference in our society +
Robert Murch

Here’s how this works. Dude who owns this channel saw an opportunity to spread his ignorant and misinformed conspiracy theory’s via a medium which (at the time of creation of this channel) people were taking seriously, ie a small group of hacktavists who were calling themselves Anonymous whilst simultaneously making a lot of money by praying on the fears of ignorant viewers who buy into said conspiracy’s. I guess I shouldn’t say the dude himself believes this crap.. its perfectly reasonable to assume that he does not. As to why these hacktavists haven’t shut down the channel well.. there could be hundreds of reasons just use your imagination. For instance, they got arrested, they broke up, they dont have the skills, they dont care, any media is good media… the list goes on and on. The simple fact of the matter is its all bs.. well not all bs but most of it is bs (half truths disguised and misrepresented as truth). Either way the majority of people who buy into this stuff are either poorly educated or very young which by coincidence = poorly educated. That’s why you don’t see any resources or references to physical data. It is really an eloquent scam if I do say so myself (props) but nonetheless its bullshit.
Dominic Tessmer

Are there sources for any of the things their stating here? I mean it all makes a bit of sense but in its own context. This could all be a bunch of fluff.

Do you even understand what a conspiracy theory is? Do you even understand what a theory is? The guy in the video is quoting pages of documents that you can effing research yourself to confirm if what he is saying is true or not…you guys kill me sometimes. The information about Iran and Russia trying to secede from the petro dollar is quite known to most informed people, that isn’t theory, that’s truth.
Dominic Tessmer

No need to be rude about it. just looking to see if anyone had done the leg work already. I am capable and will do my due diligence.
Off Line

I can agree, I can believe it may not be them, but it could be people hired by them to create these videos. Remember this is also a lucrative way for them to continue exposing individuals while also making money.
MAXK Shakur

as long as you represent the idea of Anarchy in their name, you are Anon. They are not a group. We’re an idea of peace through chaos…
Domestoes Bleach

Lol m8 i guess you have no idea what anonymous is. its a open fucking group. anyone can join it. As long as you can hack and say youre anonymous then youre anonymous.
MAXK Shakur

you dont need to be able to hack. And again the term group references it has a hierachy, Anonymous is an anarchistic way of thinking, not a group…
ZypheR Evolved

It takes more than the ability to hack to create and manage something this big. Don’t think Anonymous is just about hacking or requires hackers to exist. Anonymous is not a team either. We don’t say an entire military is a team we call them an army. There is probably more than one team of hackers spending time to spread the word of Anonymous not just one team. The real question is what Anonymous team are you going to be part of?
Mac Spartan

Anonymous is not a group of people who hold a meetings and shit. Anonymous is an idea, and people who working towards social change under its name. The idea is that everyone and anyone can be anonymous, wear a mask, and execute and idea. Just like V, an idea is bulletproof. We are all Anonymous.
Mac Spartan

Watch the documentary We are Legion. They interview some people who used to work under Anonymous. Check your facts before you make assumptions.
MAXK Shakur

they dont WORK for anonymous, they help the idea of anonymous… Get your facts straight before you post hateful comments
Mac Spartan

+MAXK Shakur exactly what i said. Anonymous isnt a body of members. It is an idea. We are all Anonymous.
MAXK Shakur

you said ”work” for anonymous, kinda gave me assumptions i guess
Mac Spartan

+MAXK Shakur i meant work under the name. the idea. they work behind the mask and a representation of the idea. and when did i ever use hateful comments?

you wanna be anonymus, you are anonymus
Susan Roberts

Yes, please wake up and realize what they’re doing to you.
Susan Roberts

You got that right!
Susan Roberts

Another person who is right on this subject.
Susan Roberts

It’s called alternative media.  In other words, not listening to the brainwashing propaganda of mainstream media.  There are a lot of people who are awake to what you’re saying.
Susan Roberts

Exactly.  People need to understand the concept.
Susan Roberts

Thanks for attempting to make it more clear to people, because many here are not getting the idea.
Robert Murch

You cay awake I say being scammed… I guess we all have a different view of what it means to be aware.
alexzandra glenn

i want to be apart of the group that is not makinh empty threats and is actually doing something. I want to help the ppl…. but all these “war on…” posts and videos are just empty … they used to educate the masses and deliever a msg, now it is just … hallow threats with no solution. ..
MAXK Shakur

alexzandra glenn they inspire, wich is very important. And trust me, they do something even though it might not be so obvious.
alexzandra glenn

war was claimed on the gov. in 2012. .. the ppl did not win, why? because the ppl remain uneducated. .. many claims of war have been made, and yet no wars have been won or actually forged… why because again the ppl remain uneducated. my plan as of late has been spreading the word of anynomus as an idea and educating ppl… when I send the ppl to these videos I usually see them begin the understand… but lately I just feel like I have been sending them to a high school child mad at daddy and making threats to run away over and over again.
alexzandra glenn

I am sorry if that offends some of you out there but I want real answers, we need an actual plan. we should be focusing on educating the less informed not making threats.
MAXK Shakur

alexzandra glenn its hard to make a change, by the fact that its words V bombs. But you’ve got to keep trying and keep going, no matter if it seems like you’ll never succed. Just keep on going, thats the only way to make a change. Keep on going and WE can make a change! That the only thing to remember, keep trying!
alexzandra glenn

these are admirable words, yet they still offer no backing
Stratus Blue

Alex: The plan is to become as expert on describing a genuine national monetary system as this video does. Then inform everyone you know so that they can easily identify and describe all 3 facets of the bank fraud described in this video. Currency issued as debt by a private bank, fractional reserve privilege and foreign collusion in price fixing and debt exchanges. Any one of the 3 is terminal to a nation. All 3 are absolute tyranny incarnate. The Saudi agreement is a good start for an example today. But use Tea, Gold and Opium as the commodity-unit too. The Opium-Pound. The Tea-Pound. The Gold standard which was only pushed by the Bank of England after it controlled South Africa. Do not forget how England’s King owned stock in that bank too. It was KINGS that gave private central banks their appearance of being national. They sold their national people to bankers. The people are enslaved exactly like being Shanghai’d for Opium-Pounds. What’s in your wallet?
Susan Roberts

There is very little real dollars circulating in the American system today, because Americans are living on credit. Our Nation is Trillions of dollars in debt. The Federal Reserve keeps printing money like crazy hoping to achieve inflation, but it’s not working. People have started removing their money from banks now. So our President has enforced Federal Law Acts 111-147, which restricts citizens from using cash. Bill Bonner of Agora Inc. and his analysts announced the collapse of Japan, Russia,, Housing Bubble, etc. They got booed for it, but they all happened.  They’re saying America is next. It only takes 3 hours for economic collapse to happen. That sounds impossible! It starts with: (1) You can’t get money out of ATM machines, (2) Your credit card is denied at a restaurant, (3) You call your bank and get a recorded message, (4) You write a check and it bounces, (5) You can’t get gas at a station, (5) People can’t access their pensions, (6) Social Security Checks can’t be cashed, and the domino affect keeps going. Finally panic sets in. Food markets run out of food. Vehicles are not on the streets because no one can get gas. Then the riots start along with gangs killing and beating up people for money, food, etc. Meanwhile, our wonderful government leaders are in their underground bunkers that they have prepared for themselves years ago and all their needs are being met. Once they have the collapse they can bring in their One World Order.
Tony Randall

There is no hacking syndicate called anonymous.. You fail to see the logic behind what defines the movement. And it can’t be stopped. WE ARE LEGION. WE DO NOT FORGIVE. WE DO NOT FORGET. EXPECT US.
Tony Randall

Wall ST derivatives (speculative/debt market) currently sits at 550 trillion dollars. For a live watch of the US debt crisis, please see = (not spelt properly to avoid censors, Uu Ss D3BbTt Ccclloccckk (DOT) (CUM) they are clamping down, and please… DO NOT vote for that tyrant.. it will be the last US election if she wins!  security people, we need help not persecution dont join nazis for this…

What is digital?

We had a really good start in our first tutorial. We were asked to think about and discuss our digital society, and what that means.

It made me think about the original vs the copy, as a digital version almost always will be a copy, but never an original.

I also started accumulating some thoughts regarding how most people don’t really know how the internet and all the technology we use every day works. Also – identity online. You can seem to be anyone you would like to.